The New Nemesis
There The last election cycles around the globe, and especially those in the U.S.A., revealed a number of things. “elephants in the room” Psychological experiments, which subject the proletariats to new manipulation methods, are also used in order to control the masses under false information. The post-Cold War world moved from a good versus evil exposé to a world void of the enemies required to feed the West’s military-industrial-political establishment. In This void is a very real thing. Illuminati In order to maintain their position of power, those in charge sought out a more manipulable foe. The New opponent was the populus.
What This passage towards dominating the proletariat started long before Cold War ended. It The seeds for the development of the education system of India were planted by the numerous self-serving attempts to do so. West, from the guises to protect “non-sophisticated” investors from making their own financial decisions that may tread on Wall-StreetThe dollar system and democracy are saved under the pretext of the need to preserve the democratic process.
The False Fiat Victory
TodayThe military-industrial-political establishment The 99% is credited with an implied near-total victory based on skirmishes dating back to 1980s when the wars started in earnest. They The era of the deregulation is over. Wall-Street WolvesThe rise of Financial Engineering, or as it is sometimes called the Perestroika Money. In my opinion, the 1980s marked a major turning point. Western civilization. The After the war-torn 1970s, stagflation and economic decline and hostage crisis, this period seemed so promising. HoweverThe socio-monetary wars that followed aimed at squash Plebians From dominating the means of their education to wealth creation and transportation, eating habits, working and thinking, and other areas.
If you don’t accept that the 1980s imposed such vast societal changes on us, consider that it held the birth of PEOPLExpress, the first low-cost airline where, we, the public was told that this was the future for aviation and travel with no more reserved seats or meals. The In the decade following the 1990s, finance was the most popular area to study among college students. Graduates were taught to forget “real” work as the future revolved only around moving money from A to B. Our food chains jumped over the cliff and continue the decline well into the 90s and beyond with innovations such as “Olestra”, the fat substitute that not only claimed to reduce your calorie intake, but offer you a side of abdominal cramping and loose stools as was printed on the warning label of all products containing it. AndThe decade was marked by the replacement of glass with plastic bottles. Tetra Pak Plastic generation.
While In the 1980s there were many ground-shaking actions. But one of the major movements that impacted our educational system was the snarls. These Impositions have long-lasting effects on the individual’s ability to think rationally, to express tolerance and to make decisions. Teaching “self-esteem” In schools, the motto is “nothing to earn. Giving a reward for just “trying” became 35% of your college syllabus grade. Recall This is what I mean California-created crusade reasoned that increasing people’s self-esteem could reduce crime, poverty, pollution, global warming, and most social evils. Yet, they never mentioned that it could “fix the money” or “fix the world”. Rather Instead of educating them on rationality and practicality, they are told to pat themselves on their back. This This change of mentality and this revision in social and educational order in the 1980s were, in my opinion, the catalysts for the fall in global values and norms in society and financial literacy.
“The losers are the true winners”
Over The movements that I have highlighted in the following decades caused damage to subsequent generations. financial literacy There are many other social norms. We Now we see that these programs, although well-intentioned and misguided in their approach, have resulted in frustration as we attempt to educate both youth and adults alike about Bitcoin.
The phrase is a line I once heard in a sitcom that won’t be named for the risk of violating copyright: “The losers are the true winners.”
Is This is the world that we desire?
Sorry I’m not going to rant about it but Shakespeare said: “I rant, therefore I am”. If you’re depressed at this point in my tirade, either take a pill, a nap or grow a pair….or some other fruit and plod forward.
“Rotten” Orange…..Pilling
What What is the problem with today’s investors and market? They Then, there are those who say: TikTok investor generation They decide to use the app instead of the university’s poor-quality education, and spend 14 hours per day on it. "education" In practical Finance Today’s investors think they are immune to the past. They You know everything Somehow After five years of experience, the knowledge gained from historical studies is no longer relevant. Big-4 consulting firm after obtaining a dual business/fourth-century art history degree paid from $200,000 of student loans.
The Wall-Street-political-media industrial complex added to investor “dumifiction”. They This was achieved through trials like the Manipulation of LiborCollusion in the gold marketThe. Madoff Ponzi It was accompanied by a complete mistrust for any established mathematical or financial impetus, irrespective of its basis or potential source of knowledge. Politically Motivated misinformation is fueling the argument for further advocacy. inflation is “good for you” and recessions don’t exist as previously known. Global political powers also added their bits telling you to be “green or die”.
"A fool and his money are soon parted" The adage was “It’s the truth”. YetThe fool is rewarded today at the expense the rational.
To Since the 1980s, central banks around the world have added to the ratatouille created by the current generation of misguided investors. They did this through the printing of money and creating a surplus of liquidity. Arm You can also find out more about the following: TikToK Investor With liquidity in other words Alan Greenspan “irrational exuberance” results. Investors Many people falsely think that they know everything about portfolio theory, risk-management, and investment. The Tik has been flooded with liquidityToK generation is quicker than A Fauci/Gates Inspired virus.
In Other words Rotten Oranges over the last decades have created today's irrational money management mentality. The Dunning–Kruger effect has incentivized throwing money at “Shitcoins” rather than Bitcoins. estimated that 25% of US adult adults will have poor financial literacy in 2023. Gen Z. Gen The Y generation has the lowest rates of financial literacy among US generations.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ” “Human Different capacities are inherent in all beings. If They are equal, but they’re not free. And if they are equal, they are not free.”
But Is it possible to overcome this dilemma with a value proposal, or by introducing a new monetary system?
Would Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn We have always hypothesized his words to be applicable to our desire for freedom. Fiat hegemony?
Can Bitcoin Can we offer the human race a personal equalizer while also promoting equality?
From Rotten Oranges The following are some of the ways to get in touch with us: Orange Blossoms
Educating The new generation is not just on Bitcoin Re-educating people on the importance of financial common sense is also important. Practicality Likes must be earned again. Instagram. The Robinhood’s of today need to stop learning finance on TikTo”K” and learn about the context of history. Regarding Bitcoin The intrepid Greg Foss said it’s “just math”.
The “soft spoken” Max Keiser Also said: “We It is important to continue educating the public and encouraging savings. Bitcoin to truly drain the kleptocratic swamp ruling our financial system.”
Even “God’s Banker” could not escape being the wrath of the non-common-sensical Fiat World with his death under one bridge too many.
Without The Financial Common Sense as Written by Benjamin Franklin The following are some examples of how to use "The Way to Wealth",
"We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly"
Are You must re-awaken or you will be charged four times.
This It is written as a Guest Post by Enza Coin. Opinions The views and opinions expressed by BTC customers are theirs alone. Inc You can also find out more about Bitcoin Magazine.
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