Today, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), published an attempt to discredit Bitcoin Amidst recent US political events Canada” Mexico tariff trade war, because bitcoin’s price has gone down in the wake of the news.
“Bitcoin — touted as a borderless, digital store of value — is down more than 4% over the last 24 hours, after the White House instigated cross-border tariffs,” the article stated. “Cryptocurrencies were once promoted as investments that act independently of stocks, but in fact their moves often resemble outsized versions of broader market swings.”
In the second sentence cited above, the WSJ attempts to diminish bitcoin’s value proposition by pointing out that bitcoin’s price is just correlated with other traditional assets.
What the author of the article doesn’t share, though, is that bitcoin’s price is going to go down, and up, much more so than traditional assets, because it’s incredibly liquid, and it’s easy to buy and sell. But Bitcoin is a distributed network made up of miners, nodes, developers, and users — on a technical level, it is quite different from other assets like stocks, as it has no central party controlling it.
Because Because of this, Bitcoin is a great way to protect yourself from geopolitical worries. No One can print bitcoins out of thin-air and increase the supply. Or, one could enforce unwanted changes to the network overnight.
But don’t just take my word for it, take Larry Fink’s, the CEO of the world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock. Just A couple of weeks back, Fink “He is a real believer” Bitcoin’s value proposition and that if you’re frightened of the geopolitical fears in your country, you can now have an international-based asset that operates completely independently from those tensions.
Sure, Bitcoin’s price will respond to news and events happening in the short term, causing large price actions to the upside or downside, but cherrypicking data in an attempt to make bitcoin look like it’s a bad investment is just bad reporting and misleading. Bitcoin The value proposition of this asset has likely led to it performing well over the past 15 years.
The It is important to note that the term “while” here means while Bitcoin is a volatile asset reacting to daily events, over the long term, bitcoin’s value proposition is what takes its price higher and higher. For For the first time ever, our money cannot be overinflated. Bitcoin Also allows for people to conduct transactions across national borders without permission. Users can escape from countries that are trying to manipulate them financially.
Forget Short term price is important when using bitcoin to navigate through geopolitical conflicts. Over The long-term, Bitcoin’s supply and demand will take the price higher than it is today. Mainstream Media articles about Bitcoin They are often misleading and miss the larger picture. As As geopolitical tensions grow, Bitcoin remains the most secure asset.
This The article that is being discussed here is called a Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authYou can also find out more about's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.
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