Meet Jason Marquez: The Truck Driver Who MicroStrategy: $750,000 in profits

Meet Jason Marquez: The Truck Driver Who made $750,000 on MicroStrategy

This week, I stumbled across one of the coolest posts I’ve seen in a while – Jason Marquez, who says he is “just a Truck Driver Listening to music is a passion for many people. Michael Saylor on YouTube,” revealed he has profited massively from listening The following are some of the ways to get in touch with us: the advice of the MicroStrategy Executive Chairman.

According to MarquezHe made a big investment Saylor’s bold Bitcoin bet, and now holds $866,000 worth of $MSTR stock, at an average cost of $46 per share — a profit of over $750,000.

After The collapse of the. Sam Bankman-Fried FTX is expected to be available in 2022. Marquez says he got scared out of the market and “went all in on Saylor” because he considered that to be the safest bet. This wasn’t Marquez’s first time seeing money in crypto evaporate, and has said that he got burned on a hack in 2018. After That, he didn’t feel secure holding cryptos, even Bitcoin.

This Many people find it difficult to understand this. Wild West industry. Losing Money lost in exchange hacks or collapses can discourage people from buying and holding bitcoin. It’s easy to understand why. Marquez After witnessing the hacks, I would rather have invested in an investment that heavily accumulates bitcoin.

LuckilyAfter getting comfortable with this area, Marquez He feels that he already has too much MSTR, and his next step is to DCA in bitcoin. He made a good decision. I think it’s the right thing to do, because owning keys to the bitcoins you have in cold store is best in the long run.

RegardlessThis is the current situation. Marquez This one trade will make him a millionaire in no time, so he is financially well-off. He Learn about Bitcoin and the potential of MicroStrategy's BTC accumulation plan, executed a plan of action, took his own hard earned money to invest in the stock, and profited big.

Read the article:  It's Time You can also find out more about the following: Admit It – There Are Only 2.1 Quadrillion Bitcoins

This It will be a legend in the future. It It reminds me of the time when American HODL bought more bitcoin riding a scooter until Bitcoin went up.

As My car was not fixed. To get cheap bitcoin, I’d jimmy it on and out with a small screwdriver. Then I could fix my car later when the bitcoin value was higher. Marquez’s story is yet another awesome example of an everyday person taking advantage of the opportunities in Bitcoin This can be translated into a major life upgrade. His He made more in a day from trading than he would in a whole year driving a truck. Think About that

Hats Well done, sir. And Good luck with your bitcoin accumulation!

This The article is also known as Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authThe following are some examples of how to use's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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John Lesley/ author of the article

John Lesley is an experienced trader specializing in technical analysis and forecasting of the cryptocurrency market. He has over 10 years of experience with a wide range of markets and assets - currencies, indices and commodities.John is the author of popular topics on major forums with millions of views and works as both an analyst and a professional trader for both clients and himself.

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