Some Bitcoiners Need To Grow Up And Focus On Their Own Shit

Too Many of the conversations around Bitcoin In the past year, we have focused on its use. Or How it is to be used The You can also read more about Ordinals/Inscriptions The mania of the past year has led to a mob. Bitcoiners It’s like screaming at children when other bitcoin holders decide how to utilize their bitcoin.

This It is totally detached from all of the philosophy that Bitcoin’s design in the first place: to be an open access permissionless system. To be something you can’t be stopped from using. So much of the “technical discussions” over the last year beyond the developer community have focused heavily on technical mechanisms that can be used to stop other Bitcoin Use of Bitcoin.

It It is amazing to me how many people have changed the way they use this technology. This can’t be done without crippling its uses. Bitcoin they arbitrarily put on the “approved” list, such a massive focus of theirs. It’s insane. Bitcoiners They are trying hard to find out ways to censor others Bitcoiners Because they don’t like how they are used Bitcoin.

There Two primary reasons can be given for this. 1) That inscriptions are hurting people’s ability to bootstrap a new full node. This It is incorrect that the bottleneck in initial node sync is not bandwidth, but verification. Inscriptions don’t need to be verified. The The more transactions there are the lower the verification cost, as nodes only download the data and do not verify anything involving it when validating the transaction. 2) That It is raising fees. Increasing Fees are an inevitable result, as a cap on the size of blocks is finite.

Here What is it? Satoshi “Said in 2010 to someone complaining of fees”

“It's only when you're sending a really huge transaction that the transaction fee ever comes into play, and even then it only works out to something like 0.002% of the amount. It's not money sucked out of the system, it just goes to other nodes. If you're sad about paying the fee, you could always turn the tables and run a node yourself and maybe someday rake in a 0.44 fee yourself.”

Read the article:  Mastering Bitcoin On-Chain Data

These Arguments are simply broken and miss the point. If Stopping someone using BitcoinThen, Bitcoin The core proposition of its value has been failed. There The use of A Bitcoin This system works as it should, except for the economic pressures from charges. If anything but that can stop you from using the system, it doesn’t work. It This is not an anti-censorship tool. It The failure of the system.

People The people who are angry about externalities that may affect them should focus their attention on adapting their own use of Bitcoin In a manner that allows them to function correctly even when they are used by other people.

InsteadMany Bitcoiners You can’t stop the men from using you by simply asking your parents to do so Bitcoin. The It is sad that there is even a debate about this topic. It’s also one of the contributing factors to improvements to Bitcoin That could adjust their use cases in order to work properly when others are stalling.

It’s time to grow up and stop crying about what other people are doing with their own property, and focus instead on how to do what you want with your own. 

This The article is also known as Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authYou can also find out more about's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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John Lesley/ author of the article

John Lesley is an experienced trader specializing in technical analysis and forecasting of the cryptocurrency market. He has over 10 years of experience with a wide range of markets and assets - currencies, indices and commodities.John is the author of popular topics on major forums with millions of views and works as both an analyst and a professional trader for both clients and himself.

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