The Cynics The following are some examples of how to get started: Idealists You can also find out more about the following: Bitcoin

The Cynics and Idealists of Bitcoin


There It is not true that all dreamers are cynics or realists. Stereotypes don’t just come into being baselessly, there is a kernel of truth to them, otherwise they would not have spread virally as an idea in the first place. But They, and the worldviews that they promote, go beyond this kernel.

Bitcoin The current tug-of-war between naive idealism and jaded cynicism is a mess.

On The idealists will argue, on the one hand that we’ve already won. We don’t have to do anything, Bitcoin Success is guaranteed by magic. It’s already going to take over the world, everyone is going to own it, it is the best store of value ever. That’s all it needs to win and succeed. No Improvements needed

On the other hand, the cynics argue that we’ve lost, or are going to. That Changes that are not a total overhaul Bitcoin It is impossible to do it. Bitcoin Can succeed anywhere in the world. It ” I will be captured and rendered useless. “Who knows where to start?” is the response to asking for what improvements are needed.

Both The extremes that dominate public debate distract attention from what is already possible and what could be achieved with simple changes.

As As things currently stand, Bitcoin The custodians would be responsible for any level of privacy or censorship resistance in a significant portion of the planet. The We can only do that by opening a lot of local and small chaumian electronic cash mints. But to operate an electronic cash mint, you need to have a Lightning node.

Lightning If you lose the latest channel state, your entire investment can be lost. The If you update an older channel state, your counterparty could steal all your money. CTV + CSFS could give us LNSymmetryThe type of Lightning A new method of working for channels is channel giving. Instead LN-Symmetry channels would allow them to just “cut through” all the intermediary states and spend your old state into the most recent one on-chain, ensuring everyone gets the correct amount of money.

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That A small modification (and this is not the only thing CTV and CSFS enable) can change dramatically who will be able to manage a local digital currency mint. The risk of losing everyone’s money through incompetence would almost disappear.

This One small change would greatly improve functionality Bitcoin’s odds of staying private and censorship resistant. Does It is possible to scale up self-custody for the entire world? No. Does It dramatically improves Bitcoin’s value despite store of value maximalists’ claim improvement isn’t needed or possible? Absolutely.

Bitcoiners It is important to not focus on only the poles and extremes of this field when considering possibilities. Between them, there are vast areas that have been mostly unexplored. If we really want to know our odds of success, the limits of what we actually can and can't do with BitcoinIn order to do so, we must explore the field. 

This The article is also known as Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authYou can also find out more about's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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John Lesley/ author of the article

John Lesley is an experienced trader specializing in technical analysis and forecasting of the cryptocurrency market. He has over 10 years of experience with a wide range of markets and assets - currencies, indices and commodities.John is the author of popular topics on major forums with millions of views and works as both an analyst and a professional trader for both clients and himself.

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