The Money Isn’t Fixed Yet

Well we did it, 100k Bitcoin It’s here. I’m sure quite a lot of you are quite happy with where your net worth is at right now, and all of you in that situation have had to exert a large amount of self control in order to hold onto your coins in order to get to that position in the first place.

All If you’re here, it is because you were lucky enough to find us. Bitcoin The right combination of circumstances came together at just the right moment to make you take this seriously. That’s not why you stayed, why you held through everything. That You can choose to do something on your own. But You are lucky to be here.

I think it’s important to keep that in mind. It’s a combination of luck and your own effort that got you this far, it’s not exclusively just you and your brilliance or iron will. It’s the confluence of both.

This It is clear that we are at a point where there can be no more return. Problems are going to get harder, they aren’t going away just because we are all that much wealthier now. With More money means more problems, and more challenges. And The more money you spend, the more people will come. But they all need to be convinced these problems are real. Convinced We must act to find solutions.

Fix The Money, Fix The World. That phrase does have a kernel of truth to it, but the reality is the money isn’t fixed yet. Money isn’t just a problem because of a finite supply. There It is possible for you to control, seize and reveal your wealth. Those The problem is not solved by simply changing the source. Bitcoin Exists with its limited supply.

To Fix the problems. Bitcoin It is necessary to actually scale. We Need the network to have enough users to prevent coins from being accumulated in large custodians who are easily captured by regulations. Without That is, you can seize your money. It The surveillance system will allow for the monitoring of all activities. None All of these problems can be solved.

Read the article:  Metaplanet To Issue $11.3 Million In Bonds To Boost Bitcoin Reserves, Echoing MicroStrategy

So don’t let this price landmark distract you from that. Check Keep your perspective realistic and don’t let yourself get carried away by your ego. Things Not even close. A number displayed on the screen is not enough to fix anything. There It will take a great deal more work to solve these money problems. 

This The article is also known as Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authThe following are some examples of how to use's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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John Lesley/ author of the article

John Lesley is an experienced trader specializing in technical analysis and forecasting of the cryptocurrency market. He has over 10 years of experience with a wide range of markets and assets - currencies, indices and commodities.John is the author of popular topics on major forums with millions of views and works as both an analyst and a professional trader for both clients and himself.

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