They Didn’t Take The Orange Pill, They Threw It Out

The The son of the current President two days ago on Twitter told people it's time to add Ethereum Balance sheets are a good way to check your company’s financial health. It It is amazing to witness this given the significance of this cycle. Ethereum.


For People have predicted the cycle we see today for years. Ethereum’s dominant use case has been as a platform for issuing other assets, and building applications focused on assets other than ether itself. This The necessity for the Internet to be the predominant network is obvious. Ethereum Using the network to run these applications and assets.

Bitcoiners I have always pointed this out and said that cheaper and more centralized networks with similar functionality will eventually become obsolete. EthereumAs the primary value proposition for the network on the market has not been proven to be Ethereum The ether is itself. That This is what we are seeing right now. Solana Absorption activity EthereumFrom memecoins and DEXes, you’ll find it all here.

This isn’t a new thesis, this isn’t some novel niche idea hidden from the light of day, it is something loudly predicted for half a decade or more. Yet the “orange pilled” son of the President is here publicly stating it’s time to add ETH.

This should demonstrate in an incredibly clear way that no one of these Trump family or new administration are “orange pilled” at all. All They will be motivated to follow the incentives they are given. That Realistically leads to shitcoining.

Shitcoining This is the best short-term investment in this area. They Will follow the easy money. Some people are just desperate for money. Bitcoiners don’t want to accept, people are in most cases not better than their incentives. We are not going to have some kind of grand spiritual “Bitcoin awakening” in government. We are just going to see the incentives we’ve watched play out in multiple cycles play out at a larger scale than we ever have before.

Read the article:  Lightning Companies Are Raising Again: This Is Good The following are some examples of how to use Bitcoin

What’s amazing to me is how so many Bitcoiners We thought that putting our noses into government business would be a good thing. We opened the door, and the shit got dragged in behind us. 

This Article is an Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authThe following are some examples of how to use's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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John Lesley/ author of the article

John Lesley is an experienced trader specializing in technical analysis and forecasting of the cryptocurrency market. He has over 10 years of experience with a wide range of markets and assets - currencies, indices and commodities.John is the author of popular topics on major forums with millions of views and works as both an analyst and a professional trader for both clients and himself.

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