We Need In-Kind Redemptions For The Spot Bitcoin ETFs

We Need In-Kind Redemptions For The Spot Bitcoin ETFs

On A recent episode of Coinage podcast, guest SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce She is willing to consider in-kind redemptions of spot Bitcoin ETFs.

(For those who aren’t familiar with the term “in-kind redemption,” it refers to the ability to withdraw the bitcoin you’ve purchased via an ETF into your own custody. In It turns an IOU in bitcoin into a real currency.

This makes my heart happy, as bitcoin wasn’t designed to exist trapped within the wrappers of the old system. It The goal of the project was to liberate us from that system.

If Peirce Can work with incoming SEC Chair, Paul AtkinsThe spot Bitcoin ETFs are some of the most important onramps for the adoption of bitcoin. BitcoinThe. Bitwise co-founder Hong Kim Instead of just existing as speculation, put into practice.

Bitcoin Was born to live in the wild. It wasn’t born to exist in a Wall Street zoo.

InThe bitcoins currently trapped in the zoo could be redeemed to allow them to go back to their natural habitat.

This Article is an Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authYou can also find out more about's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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John Lesley/ author of the article

John Lesley is an experienced trader specializing in technical analysis and forecasting of the cryptocurrency market. He has over 14 years of experience with a wide range of markets and assets - currencies, indices and commodities. John is the author of popular topics on major forums with millions of views and works as both an analyst and a professional trader for both clients and himself.

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