Things have changed now, and I don’t think people have truly grasped the scope of that change. For All his faults and lack of care for the topic, sitting President The government has promised to regulate this sector in a positive way. ObviouslyMany of his actions will have a negative impact on this project, but many will also be beneficial to other initiatives. Bitcoin.
Yet We still argue and fight like little children. It I find it amazing that so many people assumed any digital asset stockpile held by the government would only contain those assets. Bitcoin. The Trump Campaign received funding from many camps on this area, not only BitcoinersHas a long history of NFT project on EthereumIt is clear that the author has little or no understanding of space technology.
Why What would he say? Bitcoin As anything different as everything else on this market except for being the oldest?
That’s better than most average Americans. Most people in the US don’t even appreciate any difference between Bitcoin And other crypto currencies. They The entire system is a group of degenerate players and corrupt insiders that profit from them. Arguing Overlooking the other side of the world Bitcoin Comparing cryptocurrencies as a reserve to other currencies in a fund is similar to choosing a fast food place. You’re eating shit food no matter what.
Everyone Focusing on irrelevant internal arguments is not the answer Garlinghouse You can also find out more about the following: RippleWhy a reserve is only needed in certain situations Bitcoin, etc. You are all ignoring the much more important issue looming over everything: your average person doesn’t see the difference between Bitcoin And everything else.
They Any reserve that holds any assets is going to be seen as a waste by the public. The reserve is a source of great resentment. It will be viewed as an early adopter squeezing up against the President He will pump your bags. That’s the wider reality everyone is ignoring, and one of the many reasons I am against any type of reserve that actively accumulates bitcoin.
Arguing With shitcoiners and even former CongressmenBy putting a priority on what money should be put into a fund for reserves, you are putting your cart before your horse. Politics Money and public sentiment are the two main factors that drive this industry. The shitcoiner money isn’t going away, so that leaves getting across to normal people the difference between Bitcoin And other crypto currencies.
Without Such arguments will likely be ignored by the public.
This Article is an Take. Opinions expressed are entirely the authYou can also find out more about's and do not necessarily reflect those of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.
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