Why You can also find out more about the following: How You can also find out more about the following: Backup Your Bitcoin

Why and How to Backup Your Bitcoin

If you’ve bought bitcoin, chances are that you want to self-custody. Without self-custody, you don’t really have bitcoin, so why wouldn’t you? Using It is usually recommended that you use a bitcoin hardware wallet. But It is much more crucial to back up your wallet than owning a hardware wallet. YetPeople often ignore bitcoin backups as an afterthought.

We’ll now be looking into why backing up your bitcoin wallet is crucial, but more importantly how to properly do it with the right products to secure your bitcoin holdings for multiple generations without trusted third parties.

Backup First

If you don’t self-custody and rely on a trusted third party like an exchange, custodian or broker, you may have good reasons for this, but perhaps you would be better off thinking about holding your own keys. As the adage goes, not your keys, not your…

Now If you have only $10 or $50 in bitcoins, it may not make sense to back up your wallet at the moment. But if, for example, you hold a month's worth of salary, a year’s worth of savings or even more than 5% of your net worth, then a backup may be absolutely essential to secure your bitcoin holdings.

You You should back up your bitcoins because hardware and electronics can malfunction. That’s not specific to bitcoin or to openly criticize hardware wallet manufacturers. RatherHardware wallets, like other consumer electronics, such as USB sticks and computers, break down over time because of life-threatening hazards.

Having Multisig wallets may reduce hardware failure risk, but will it be enough to keep you comfortable over the next thirty years? If Continue reading to find out why. Paper backups are generally included when you buy a hardware wallet, but well, they’re paper. Paper is at risk of loss, shredding, misplacement, ink may fade, etc… Using Paper for backups is not recommended. You Do not keep highly valuable and sensitive information on paper.

Medium The following are some examples of how to use Storage

Over The years and the since Cryptosteel announced the world’s first metal backup back in 2013, we have seen many different formats of bitcoin metal backups by multiple different vendors. Which Which is preferred in today’s world? Is There is a format that works better than the others: cassettes?

First Ensure that the backup you choose is made of stainless steel. Titanium Alternatives can be good. Any Other mediums of storage recommended or used by manufacturers, or by DIY free options are more susceptible to data loss and may even be destroyed in the event of a fire. Aluminium).

Formats Also available are flat cassettes that have moving tiles, metal punch cards, rings mounted on a core and punchable tubes. SoWhat is your favorite and why?

We Need to determine who will be backing your bitcoin seed phrase. The The most important thing is to keep it simple. Some would argue that’s not the priority but it really is. If It is not easy to use and few will complete the backup. Of Of course, any good backup product should meet the following requirements: durable, recoverable and affordable.

Anatomy A Good Backup

We You cannot begin this conversation without sharing. Lopp’s comprehensive technical overview of what makes a good seed phrase backup, based on his past research testing various models of metal bitcoin backups. The The following is a more opinionated look at metal Bitcoin backups in 2024, focusing on their usability and security.

It should not be necessary to use any additional software in order to perform a simple backup of your Bitcoin. That’s the best way to keep things simple for anyone looking to durably backup their bitcoin holdings. Requiring No tool is safer, as there are no risks of harm from improper usage. It’s also more discrete and enjoyable as there should be no noise from the process of making a backup. It is easier for more people to back up their assets if they don’t need specialized tools, like hammers, punches or anvils.

ObviouslyIt is important that your backup be durable. That’s the whole point. We’ve established that stainless steel is the best alloy to rely on. But How about the format? Over the years, we’ve seen different shapes of backups. What The format must be resistant against fire, flooding, tonnage of weight, extreme temperature changes, etc. We’re concerned about concrete life risks such as floods, hurricanes, as well as house and apartment fires, which can cause high temperatures but also buildings to crumble.

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Options For backup formats, there are usually 6 types of recording data. These include: stamping, sliding, engraving, punching, and stacking.


Introduced By 2013, CryptosteelThe sliding back design uses a rail system in which tiles are slid along. Cassette You can also read about how to get in touch with us. Cryptosteel, Simbit You can also find out more about Billfodl. They These are very easy to install and do not need any special tools. They also resist most hazards such as heat and fire and acidic corrosion. But This design can pose a risk of data loss, either partial or complete, if it is bent or twisted when pressed by heavy presses.

Vendor Reviews: Cryptosteel Cassette, Simbit, Ellipal Mnemonic Metal, BunkeroidHODL Wallet (discontinued), Billfodl (discontinued), Steeldisk (discontinued)


Similar In contrast to the stamping process, engraving can also be achieved with different sharp tools, including a dremel or small chisels and gravers. Of Although engraving is possible on a variety of different metal backings, it requires more security and specialized equipment to prevent injuries.

Vendor ReviewsSteelWallet (DIY), Steelki, CryptoVault (discontinued), Crypto Key Stack (discontinued)


Etching The corrosive effect of acid or an electrochemical process is used to mark metallic backups. This It is the least common way of marking metal backups, but it is often an option for vendors who rely on laser engraving to imprint a metal backup. It It is dangerous because it requires hazardous chemical products and highly-specialized tools.

Vendor Reviews: Steelki, Black Seed Ink, Cryptoetch (discontinued), SteelWallet (DIY), CryptoVault (discontinued), Crypto Key Stack (discontinued)


Usually Stamping, the most common technique used in commercial products and DIY, is to stamp metal backings. These can be anything from rings and fender washers to plates, hexagonal shapes and tubular forms. Stamping It requires intermediate to advanced skills as stamping requires the use of tools such as stamps, jigs, and rails. Wearing Safety usually recommends protective eyewear and finger protection.

Vendor Reviews: ColdbitDIY BulletProof Bitcoin, Crypto Keys (discontinued), Hodlinox (discontinued), SAFU Ninja (DIY), Safe Seed, Seedor, Cryptotag


Similar As with stamping, the use of special tools like punches or hammers to permanently mark metal requires technical expertise. It’s also quite popular as stamping, and requires only one single shape to punch, instead of multiple unique stamps. It’s usually done on metal plates with grids as well as hexagonal tubular shapes. It It can be difficult to accurately mark the metal punching, but reading the data for recovery may also prove problematic. Wearing Safety usually recommends protective eyewear and fingerwear.

Vendor Reviews: Blockplate, Seedplate, Smallseed, Attenuo (discontinued), Steelwallet, Coldkeys S, Bitplate Domino


One The stacking of tiles, fender washers, or other rings is one of the less common and underappreciated commercial products. This Design is suitable for beginners and DIY enthusiasts. The For recovery to be successful, it is essential that the order and completeness are maintained. This design therefore must include cotter-pins as well as clips for closing and retention, or numbering each word. Other than that, assembling these products does not require any tools, except for DIY options using the “stacking” design combined with “stamping”, for instance.

Vendor Reviews: Cryptosteel Capsule, Cryptosteel SeedSAFU Ninja It is a good idea to use the following phrase:

Additional Considerations


How What is the cost of a back-up? The The price that a bitcoin back-up product can be purchased at is an important consideration for consumers. This This is true also for manufacturers of hardware wallets who might consider bundling backup products along with their hardware devices. Affordable is a price under $50. Anything Over 100$ is considered a premium price, but the average is usually between 50-100$.


Can How can errors and corrections be done without making the backup redundant? Very There are few formats that can be altered and erased. This It can also be useful to correct errors, reuse the backup with new seeds phrases or for educational purposes. It’s also a great benefit to discard a seed phrase backup privately, without leaking any sensitive information. Usually, the “stacking” model is the only compatible format to erase a backup.

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Is It is obvious that someone has seen or copied a back-up? Revealing that a backup has been viewed by a third party is an important feature for anyone worried about the “evil maid attack”. UsuallyThe backup seals do not include tamper evidence. They are available as DIY products. Very Few backups include such seals as an integral part of their core products, but it’s a great privacy and security feature.


How How small can a backup be to make it easy to conceal? The The dimensions are very important for a backup, both to make it easier to store in a safe location and to increase its durability. Compact and small backups will be less likely bend under heavy pressure.

Based As discussed in the previous article, we recommend that you use our bitcoin self-custody as of December The year 2024. SeedThe 12th of September Cryptosteel. Assemble You can create a backup of your choice by attaching character tiles to the central core. Then, you may choose to encase them with an optional protective capsule or a tamperproof seal.

  • Affordable: For Spend $30 to get the best deal Seed12 Core The 59-dollar price tag Seed12 Security Kit The price of our backups is very competitive with other commercial products. Of DIY remains more budget-friendly for people with tighter finances.
  • Durable: Made From high-grade stainless steel SeedHighly resistant to fire, heat and impact.
  • Compact: Packaged The case is the size of an ordinary matchbox.
  • No tools: This It is simple and easy to use.
  • Erasable: As This is the smallest ever backup kit, and it’s erasable, reusable.
  • Flexible: Consumers You can buy extra parts, and pay only for the ones you use. For example, additional tiles, capsules, or tamper proof seals.

The Right Conditions You can also find out more about the following: Backup

Now that we’ve covered most aspects and considerations of what makes a good bitcoin backup, let’s briefly cover how and where to actually set it up. When As you set up your backup bitcoin, please ensure that the following are in place:

  • Secure Environment: Choose Set up backups in a quiet, private space without distractions.
  • Backup Location: Store To increase security, keep your documents in an area that is fireproof and waterproof.
  • Redundancy: Create Store multiple copies of your data in different geographically-separated locations.
  • Privacy Measures: Use Use tamper evident seals and concealment techniques in order to prevent or detect unauthorized access.
  • Documentation: Clearly Label backups, and create a plan that will help you and those who are trusted to retrieve your bitcoins using your backups.
  • Regular Checks: Periodically verify the backup's condition and accessibility while ensuring it remains private and simple to use to recover your bitcoin.

If You must always have an adequate backup if you keep bitcoin yourself. Backing up your bitcoin is not just a precaution—it’s a necessity for securing your holdings over the long term. With the right materials, such as stainless steel or titanium, and careful attention to format, usability, and durability, you can ensure your backup withstands life’s challenges. Whether Prioritise simplicity and reliability when choosing between sliding, stamping/punching, stacking, and other designs. By By following the right setup and selecting high-quality, durable products you can safeguard your bitcoins for many generations.

This It is written as a Guest Post by Thibaud. Opinions The views and opinions expressed by BTC customers are theirs alone. Inc You can also find out more about Bitcoin Magazine.

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John Lesley/ author of the article

John Lesley is an experienced trader specializing in technical analysis and forecasting of the cryptocurrency market. He has over 10 years of experience with a wide range of markets and assets - currencies, indices and commodities.John is the author of popular topics on major forums with millions of views and works as both an analyst and a professional trader for both clients and himself.

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